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  • Framework: WordPress
  • Location: Helsinki, Finland
  • History: Frantic

R-kioski, also known as "Ärrä", was founded in 1910 and operates over 600 stores across Finland with many more to be found in Estonia and Lithuania. With a broad range of products including food, drinks, literature and more, it is without a doubt an integral part in the every day life of many Finns.

R-kioski website

Through the website users can view the latest deals on food and drinks, see which publications and movie rentals are in stock, get information about public transportation, postage, job postings, and much more. As there are hundreds of R-kioski’s around Finland the website can also be used as a means to locate which stores nearest to the user’s location.

The R-kioski website was the first project I worked on after being hired at Frantic (Opens in new window). It served as an excellent guide for learning valuable website development skills such as SASS/SCSS, Git and GitHub, JavaScript and PHP. I worked alongside a handful of talented Frantimones who were my guides into the wide world of corporate website development and design. For their patience and guidance I am forever grateful.

Visit R-kioski (Opens in new window)