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  • Framework: Gatsby, Contentful
  • Location: Finland
  • History: Freelance

Taikajouhi, or "Magic horsehair" in English, is a small business in Finland that focuses on creating jewelry using horsehair, including bracelets, earrings, necklaces and various decorations. Prospective customers discuss what they would like in advance, mail their own horse's hair, and receive the completed product in return.

Taikajouhi website

Taikajouhi was the first website I worked on from scratch using Gatsby as a framework and Contentful as a content source. It is a flexible, component based website that utilises GraphQL (Opens in new window) to query content, TailwindCSS (Opens in new window) for styling, and React (Opens in new window) to render components.

Visit Taikajouhi (Opens in new window)